Content production

Content production

In order to reach new heights and new customers, good and relevant content is essential. Content production is an increasingly important part of companies’ marketing strategies today. In line with the increasing competition, the need for content production also increases.

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from content production to reach their target audience and engage in a meaningful way.

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What should the company's content be about?

There are a number of different texts that can be produced for any company. Themes, tone and content have a lot to say about how the company is perceived by stakeholders or potential customers.

Texts about what is happening in the company, news, information about services, employees and plans are examples of what the content can be about. This will provide a basis for further text development and open the way for the development of content within various media.

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Timeline and publication schedule

Once the theme and angle have been chosen, the production is ready. However, a publishing schedule is created so that the content is published at regular intervals. To make this as simple as possible, a timeline is set up that shows when and where the content is to be published.

Based on what the timeline says, the content is produced and uploaded to the website and social media with a set time and date it is published. This means that the content is published automatically and comes out the same day on your communication channels. The times vary depending on the platform, based on when the post will reach as many people as possible.

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Production and writing

Text production is an important part of content production, it involves creating well-written texts that engage readers and reach the target group. Copywriting should always follow best practice, SEO optimization and quality over quantity to ensure maximum online visibility.

A good starting point is to have an idea of ​​what is relevant for your channels. We help you with this through a workshop where we find tone, direction, themes and angles.

Content production in 2024 is much more than text

The rise of social media has given us almost endless possibilities in terms of format, size and scope of what content production can stand for.

Photography is an important aspect of content production that can be of great importance to the company’s success. High-quality images used in advertising campaigns or on social media can help create a strong brand and increase customer engagement. Read more about photography here.

Film is an effective tool for companies that want to create engaging content that stands out from the competition. Compelling videos are an effective way to capture viewers’ attention and promote products or services in an interesting way that prompts customers to take action. Filmmaking involves more than just shooting video material – it requires careful planning, storyboarding, scripting, shooting and editing before anything is published on the website or other platforms. Read more about commercials for companies here.

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How much does a content producer cost per hour and how many hours are spent per article?

The price for a content producer is around NOK 1,500 per hour. The price varies slightly depending on what the task is, but usually a content producer spends between 1-3 hours per article. Text production is usually set up as packages, over a period of between 3 and 12 months.

Time use, quality and visibility. In an agency, various experts work within their fields of expertise. This means that those who know the job best do the job, you don’t have to spend time on things that others can do better.

The competition has become greater as this form of marketing has produced significant results and there are many people who use the method. This varies slightly from industry to industry, but it is not wise not to take advantage of the opportunity. Content production raises the authority of the website, which means that you come up higher and in more search results. The opportunity to communicate with customers and stakeholders will create a better image of the company and create awareness through your communication platforms.

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Per Torgersen

Content producer

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