There are countless communication models. But communication is not about models. It’s about people.

One foot on the ground
A prerequisite for success is knowing where you want to go. Why you push on. What you want to achieve. And a plan on how to get there. That is why we at Adseo insist on taking an ever so small foot on the ground as an introduction to the collaboration. It is not about long, heavy processes with fancy concepts, graphs, arrows and roundings. It’s about raising awareness. Of you with whom we will work. And of us who will work with you. The better you know yourself – and the better we know you – the easier it will be to achieve success. It’s that simple.

Vision and values
What are you passionate about? What is the wet dream? The hairy target? The vision? A good vision is characterized by the fact that it gives a clear direction, that it is dynamic, and has a real stretch in it. IKEA’s vision (by which they manage to this day) can stand as a good example: We will create a better everyday life for the many people! Kudos!
Our value base should describe our personality, our identity. Clear values make it easier to work correctly, because we know what we want to stand for, what we want to radiate. It becomes easier to make the right choices. And because we signal the same thing every time – between us and to the outside world – we become clear. It’s about building a culture. The value base is the foundation wall itself.

Which position do you want?
Insight is a key word. Incidentally, it almost always is. What does the market look like? And what position should you and your product have? One thing is which position you want. Another is what position it is possible to take. Over the years, three criteria have been used in the search for the right position: It must be profitable. It must be long-term. And it must be free. These criteria still apply.

How to build a brand?
A brand is per definition the sum of all the associations people out there have with a product, company or person. Everything you say and do affects your brand.
It’s basically about storytelling. Then it is important to always keep in mind what story you want to tell. That you are clear and consistent in your communication. That you create a relationship of trust with those out there. In a world where products appear the same, people will often choose the product they like best.
That it has something that appeals to them beyond technical specifications. Call it the product’s aura.

Strong concepts
Happiness is finding concepts that are so strong that they almost have eternal life. (There are some of them). The digital revolution has not changed this. We at Adseo believe that this is just as important as before. If not more important. A good idea is a good idea and a good concept is still a good concept. No matter what surfaces you spread the message on. The difference is that we’ve got many, many more of them.
Communication strategy
Simply put, a communication strategy should define what you are going to say, to whom, when you are going to say it, and on which surfaces you are going to say it. A good communication strategy is a wonderful tool, as long as there is quality above what you put into it. Not least in a long-term perspective. Ready to go!
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Knut Harlem
creative director
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