Video production

Video production

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Globally, video reaches92,3% of all Internet users in the world. Movies are a format that is perhaps the easiest to consume of all media. Film is a golden opportunity to change attitudes, behavior and, last but not least, decisions. In order to reach people through emotions, it is much easier to use film, compared to text or images.

Film works!

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Video content is engaging and helps keep people on the site longer, signaling to search engines that the site provides valuable information. Additionally, videos can be optimized for keywords, which can drive more organic traffic to your website.

Increased familiarity with the company

The film format is a format that can quickly bring out emotions in the viewer. The means that can be used in film are almost endless. But many of the choices made during the process are very deliberate in terms of where the film will be shown, who the target group is and what the message is.

It is precisely in the message that it is important to hit. This gives the viewer value and if the film hits the target, the viewer will gain increased familiarity and associations with the company.

Having an idea of ​​what you want to convey is a great advantage in starting the process. This could, for example, be to bring out the problems your company solves for the target group and how it creates value


Idea development and direction

What exactly is a good idea? What determines success?

Sometimes you don’t have to dig too deep to find a great video content idea. These can be obvious themes so that the script actually writes itself. This can be interviews of customers, employees or partners.

Larger companies usually have a visual profile that is followed on all surfaces. The visual profile can also dictate the tone of all marketing material, this can also apply to films that the company communicates with.

Concept development and workshops around this may be where you should start to get started with commercials.

Adseo has experts in all fields of digital marketing. This makes us an ideal sparring partner in idea development. We can develop your ideas or come up with suggestions for what will give the best value in your commercial.

Content for SOME

Social media videos are usually short and can be produced on a smaller budget than traditional TV commercials. Get your message across quickly and efficiently, while giving viewers an engaging experience. With the right approach, video content for social media can be an effective marketing tool that delivers real results.

Typical video content for social media often consists of short, snappy clips designed to grab the viewer’s attention and interest. It can be anything from humorous videos, educational training videos, behind-the-scenes insights into a company or product launch, interviews with interesting people, inspiring stories and much more.

One of the most important things is to create content that is interesting and relevant enough for viewers to share it on their own networks. Video content is also a great way to showcase your brand’s personality, which can help you establish yourself as an industry leader and build relationships with your followers online.

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Per Torgersen

Content producer

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