Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization
We help you attract more customers in Google with search engine optimization, content development and technology.
Be the first choice in the search results with our search engine optimization
Be the first choice in the search results with our search engine optimization
Our best advice when working with digital marketing is to work with search engine optimization (SEO) to become visible on the internet.
How to get more traffic and improve your online visibility?
Millions search online every month. It is a good idea to be visible on Google
Adseo is a search engine optimization agency in Oslo that companies, small businesses, local businesses choose when they want to:
- Increase earnings (ROI)
- Become visible in Google
- Get more traffic to the website
Basically, search engine optimization (SEO) is about digital marketing and how to optimize visibility online and in Google.
Be the first choice in the search results
In order to achieve optimal visibility and reach the top of Google on the internet, there are a number of measures that can be taken to reach more people.
SEO means search engine optimization by definition.
To get higher in the search results of search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft or Bing, SEO is used to get higher in the ranking. This creates more organic traffic to your website and you will therefore bring in more users/customers searching for your goods or services.
Adseo works every day to get its customers higher in the search results. As a fully digital marketing agency, this is one of the services that we offer.
Directly translated, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization – that is, optimizing your website to rank as best as possible in the search engines.
Search engine optimization does not happen overnight, but is something that must be worked on over time to achieve the best possible result.
There are a number of factors that come into play when optimizing a website or online store.
Why is search engine optimization - SEO so important?
Why is SEO so important?
Search engine optimization is important because:
- Most of the users of the search engines (more than 65%) are more likely to click on one of the top 5 results in the search engine results pages (SERPS). To have the opportunity to benefit from an SEO agency , and get more visitors to digital marketing, good content must be visible in one of the top 5 positions.
- Search engine optimization is not just about search engines . Good SEO work can help tell Google about your company, get good results that increase the user experience and the possibilities of visibility for your company’s services and products.
- Users trust the search engines . By having a website or online store placed in one of the top positions for the search terms used by the user, your company increases its credibility and authority. There is an expression that says “Google doesn’t lie”, and in Norway it is a well-known term that if you don’t know the answer – Google it.
- SEO is good for your online presence and visibility. People who find your website by searching on, for example, Google, Yahoo or another search engine will more likely promote your company on Facebook, LinkedIN or other forms of traffic that comes via google search.
- SEO is important for a website to work. Websites that have good content can benefit from online visibility. The direct advantage is that you get more visitors and an increase in searches on the search engines. The indirect advantage is that you have a framework or a checklist that you can use as an SEO analysis before publishing relevant content on the website. This means that you get a more holistic strategy for publishing on the website.
- Search engine optimization gives you an advantage over your competitors . If two websites sell the same things or offer the same products or services, a search engine optimized website with a high authority will most likely be visible on Google, get more visits, get more sales and make more money.
Who needs search engine optimization?
Who needs seo?
Professional services
Businesses that offer professional services, including accountants, IT consultants, financial planners and many others, will want to target potential customers based on their location.
People looking to enhance a new or existing business with professional services will look for companies near their area, and local SEO practices can help businesses reach their target audience more effectively.
Online stores
Online businesses have no choice but to use SEO.
Online-only businesses don’t have a brick-and-mortar business to attract local people to, meaning products can only be sold online via inbound and outbound strategies.
If you want people to find your product, you need to expand your online presence as much as possible.
Local / International expansion
Local SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to increase traffic, leads and brand awareness from local search. Common tasks related to local SEO include finding local keywords, optimizing your company’s Google My Business profile, and building “NAP” referrals.
International SEO refers to optimizing your search engine presence for people who are in different countries or speak different languages.
What is SEO?
What is Search Engine Optimization SEO?
Search engine optimization has become better known in the digital expression jungle under the digital marketing abbreviation SEO.
Visibility in Google
Search engine optimization is not just about a good website that leads to ranking in a search. If you are not visible in search, you miss out on a lot of relevant traffic that comes in via organic traffic.
Optimizing a website
The tactic is to optimize a website for visibility online and with the search engines. Search engine optimization is primarily about on-site optimization, good content, social media, reading time, authority and more.
200+ signals
There are actually over 200+ different signals that determine how and why you end up on the first page of Google or not. With our seo agency expertise, we give you insight into Google’s algorithms so that you can use this to your advantage.
How a Google search works
When you search on Google, it goes very quickly before you get search results. This is because you are not searching directly on the internet, but because you are searching in Google’s index, i.e. Google’s database of websites. There are many reasons why this is so, but mainly it is so that you, the searcher, can find what you are looking for.
Which website comes up first is based on an average of several factors such as for example
- the page’s relevance
- popularity
- number of words that match the search
Google’s algorithms look at hundreds of different factors when it comes to ranking websites in the search results. Many of these are public, but as this is constantly evolving, these factors change frequently. Adseo keeps this updated on a daily basis.
There are over 200 factors that have a big impact on which website comes out on top.
Algorithm factors
How search engines generate search results and rank websites is based on indexing and crawling done by different algorithms the search engine uses.
The amount of information and content available online would be nearly impossible to navigate if it weren’t for these algorithms.
These factors are divided into two groups: On-page SEO and off-page SEO.
- On-page SEO is about content and everything on the website that is used to rank.
- Off-page SEO is about all factors around the website, i.e. not the website itself.
It is these factors that are optimized when we work around SEO.
On-page search engine optimization SEO
On-page SEO
Search engine optimization tips and important on page factors that help you rank better in Google.
The algorithms look at how much and what content the website has. The more content such as words, images and videos, the higher the website appears in the search results.
The quality of the articles and content is also important, the easier the texts are to understand the better.
How new the content is or how long it has been since the last update is also a factor that affects the search results.
It is therefore very beneficial to have a steady flow of new content continuously on the website to maintain relevance within the algorithms. Google always tries to find the best content for its users. Therefore, the amount of content the website contains and the quality of this have a lot to say. The work around SEO therefore goes a lot into the continuous content production of articles, images and videos.
The use of words in the content of the website is very important to work best with Google.
When you start writing a search, suggestions for what you can search for appear. This is a function in the Google search engine that is based on previous searches, but also which topics are relevant to what you are searching for. By using keywords correctly, your website gets a better ranking.
This involves putting
- The keywords in titles
- Subtitles
- The meta description
- In the texts on the website
- In the website address on the bottom pages
Research to use the right keywords plays a big role as there are some words that are used a lot and others little. The choice of keywords should therefore be precise in order to work best with the search engines. To find these keywords, extensive research is done to find the right keywords.
Keywords, for example, come up when you do a search. You have probably seen examples of this when you use Google. Use Google Trends to find out what people are searching for and how the word is trending.
How the website is structured can well be thought to have the most to do with the user experience, but it is also an important factor when it comes to getting the website ranked in the search results. The website’s architecture and structure are discovered by Google’s algorithms. How long the page takes to load, how the website is put together with subpages, how mobile-friendly and how clear it is plays an important role in how Google reads the website. The faster Google can index the website, the higher you will appear in the search results.
The use of words in the content of the website is very important to work best with Google.
How web pages are set up is through a language called HTML. It is this language that almost all websites use. What is optimized in HTML is the web address on the main page and subpages. The meta description, which is the text that appears under the title in the search result. Cleaning up the codes on the website, i.e. cleaning up the language the website speaks in is also a factor.
How much content comes up under the title of the website in the search results has a lot to do with HTML.
Here, for example, something called Schema can be used. Schema microdata, also called ‘rich snippets’, is a standardized vocabulary that is added to the HTML of the website so that the content that comes up in the search results is richer. You can see examples of this, for example, if there is more complementary text under the titles or an image is included under the title. This increases the chance that the applicant will click on the link.
Safety online is very important for the search engines, which work continuously to protect their users. You may have experienced this yourself, after you have clicked on a link and a red message appears that the website is not safe. For the information sent between user and server, HTTPS or TLS (formerly SSL) is used. TLS and HTTPS encrypt the information you send to the server the website is on.
This is very important for websites where information is exchanged such as an online store, medical websites or just general websites where the reader can submit information to the website. To find out if the website you’re on is certified, you can check above the website address and press the padlock or to the left of the URL, i.e. the website address.
Off-page SEO
Off-page search engine optimization SEO
Off page is external seo and measures. In order for the website to communicate with the search engines and not be blacklisted, it is important that the website is approved as genuine and authentic.
EAT = Expertise, authority and trust. What is meant by this is that Google ranks websites based on the trust and authority the website has.
This is determined through a number of factors such as how recognized the name of the website is, how long the website has existed,
how many external websites link to the website and how trustworthy the content is.
The reason why this is so is that Google works to ensure that users are not deceived by fake and shady websites that do not have the best intentions.
Gaining trust in Google’s algorithms is a very important part of being ranked on Google.
How long visitors stay on the website is also a factor that comes into play when it comes to trust in Google. If visitors are only on the website for a few seconds before they click back or leave the website, it tells Google something, and it is not positive for the position in the search results.
A high bounce rate can be caused by several factors. For example, if the advertisement or title is misleading and the visitor does not find what they were looking for, the bounce rate will be high. If the website is slow, visitors are often impatient and will click back or to another website.
Links are the way we navigate around the web. This is also how Google reads web pages. Links are an important part of search engine optimization SEO work as it is how Google indexes websites. Research shows that links are more important than on-site factors.
Link building and SEO:
There are two different types of links. Internal links and external links. Internal links are links within the website that refer to other sub-pages on the website.
External links are links that are on other websites that link to your website. If a website with a high level of trust in Google links to your website, this means that you have a popular website. Links play a big factor in ranking in search results.
What authority the website that links on has is very relevant to what SEO value the link will have. For example, if a TV2 article links to your website, this will have a higher value than if a newly started blog does the same.
How high up on the website the link is is very important because the higher up the link is, the earlier Google reads the link.
How many other links there are on the website where the link is placed is a factor, as the more other links there are, the less SEO value the link has. For example, a website with 100 different links is significantly worse than a website with only a few other links.
There are some factors in link building to be aware of.
Is the link placed in a relevant text? The text and web page the link is placed in must be relevant to the link as this is something Google notices.
For example, if a link to a car care center is placed on a website that deals with exercise, the SEO value will go away as Google notices that it is not a relevant link.
Interaction with how the visitor got to the website is also important. Some possibilities for keeping visitors longer on the website are to have a well-designed website that is optimized and contains content such as video, images and good texts, so that the visitor stays on the website longer.
The work around getting in external links can be extensive as a third party has to be brought in who has to link to your domain. This is a well-known process in work around SEO. In order to obtain external links to the website, it is all about having linkable content. This content can be articles, tools or data that are relevant to other players. What is alpha and omega in link building is creating content that entertains and is so useful that others will write about the same thing and refer to the text. This can also be done with video.
A good place to start is to look at what your competitors are doing, what is engaging and what is generating interest in your industry.
Content that is from your domain that is shared on social media by readers is worth its weight in gold. This can be achieved by creating engaging content, content in collaboration with influencers or being written about in the news media.
The technology behind the search engines is constantly changing to give users the best experience and results.
This means that the work around search engine optimization and SEO is also constantly changing.
Personal factors also play a role when it comes to ranking higher in the search results. Most of the factors cannot be controlled, but there are some measures that can be taken to help the domain get higher in the results lists.
Time zone is also important as the opening hours of the company/business play a role. Which country the applicant is in and which language is used determines who comes at the top of the results list.
Based on how long an extension you want, it is important to know whether it is necessary or not. If you want to reach all corners of the world, it is important that the content is in English. If you are going to reach out to other non-English speaking countries, a good place to start is to translate content into the language they use. This can be done in different ways, but should be reviewed by someone who knows the language to avoid mistakes in the language.
The city or place the applicant is from also controls the results. Here, keywords are the key to appearing on local searches.
Organic search means search results that are not paid for
These search results seem more credible than advertisements that may come up in a search and the chance that people will click on these is higher than the advertisements.
By optimizing the website through various methods used in SEO, the website will come up in the search results “naturally”, which can then be referred to as organic search results, which can then be drawn on to organic traffic.
Organic seo
Organic Search Engine Optimization
Whether you write a run a small business or have a larger business, SEO is important.
Driving potential readers, customers or stakeholders to your website is the main goal when working around SEO.
- When the website appears on the first page of the search results, the website ends up in organic searches.
- By appearing on the first page of the search results, traffic to the website will increase considerably, as stakeholders do not often move on to page number two of the search results.
- By getting visitors through such searches, you get stakeholders through organic searches.
When someone searches on Google, there is something they are wondering about. It is a well-used term in Norway and certainly throughout the world that if there is something you are wondering about “Google it!”
Frequently asked questions about search engine optimization and the company's services
Frequently asked questions about seo and the company's services
Learn more about working with Adseo search engine optimization agency by browsing our frequently asked questions!
SEO is important in order to rank higher in the search results in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and the like. SEO is important because by avoiding using the benefits of search engine optimization, your website ends up far down the results lists and you miss out on potential customers/stakeholders. Paid advertising, social media and other platforms can generate traffic to websites, but the majority of traffic on the web is driven by search engines. By ranking high in the search results, this creates credibility and brings organic traffic to the website.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, directly translated it means Search engine optimization. SEO is believed to have started in 1991 after the world’s first website was created. One led to more and suddenly there were many websites online. This led to a need for structure and accessibility which in turn led to the creation of the first search engines.
SEO involves optimizing the website so that it communicates most optimally with the search engines. This is done by implementing measures inside and outside the website based on known factors on which the algorithms in the search engines are based. This is an extensive job as there are over 200 factors that are constantly changing.
By achieving a higher ranking in the search engines, the website will achieve higher traffic, which increases the opportunities for greater income and the customer base of the company/business. Visibility increases and the business/company can take a larger market share. “The sky is the limit.”
The goal of SEO is to get to the top of searches in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. By ranking high in the search engines, the visibility of the business online becomes higher and the website becomes more accessible. By appearing in the search results for a number of keywords that are associated with the company’s services/goods, traffic will increase significantly and the company/business will grow.
A search engine optimization SEO analysis involves finding weaknesses and strengths with the existing website, what the target group is, what they search for and how this target group finds goods and services. This provides the necessary insight to find opportunities and solutions to reach the top of the ranking in the search results.
SEO friendly content is essentially all relevant info, articles, blog posts, images, EVERYTHING , videos and content that the website can contain. What makes the content SEO friendly is its quality, the use of keywords and length in texts, titles, structure, frequency of updates, freshness and uniqueness.
The work around optimizing the website to communicate best with the search engines is extensive work and requires being up to date on the search engines’ algorithms and factors. This takes time and is difficult to succeed in without some previous experience. That is why it is wise to hire an agency that is a specialist in SEO that can solve these tasks for you. The job of producing content is often left to a copywriter or content producer in marketing agencies, but you can contribute to this yourself. If you run a company or business, you probably have a lot of knowledge and experience in the field you offer goods/services. This knowledge is very valuable when it comes to content production as it is a simple matter to write when you have prior knowledge. This makes SEO cheaper for you, but requires you to write texts yourself or assign an employee to do this.
What can SEO achieve?
- Get increased traffic by ranking high on search results in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing/Microsoft or similar
- Increased branding and credibility due to increased online visibility
- Search engine optimization / SEO has a good ROI, i.e. return of investment, i.e. what you are left with when you invest money and time in search engine optimization
- Gain a competitive advantage within the products and/or services that you supply.
Want to talk to us about SEO?
Are you wondering if search engine optimization is the right tool for your business? Use the contact form and we promise to give you an honest assessment.
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